Give to the Max: A look back at 15 years of generosity

Our Take: News and notes about generosity

This fall, we’ll be celebrating the 15th anniversary of Give to the Max. As stewards of our statewide giving holiday, we are honored to organize this event each year to celebrate the generosity of donors and the good work it powers in communities all across Minnesota…and beyond!

As we look ahead to Give to the Max Day 2023 on November 16, let’s take a look back at some of the highlights of Give to the Max through the years, what donors told us about their generosity story in 2022, and how to keep the generosity going this summer!

A 15-year Roadmap

Infographic of 15 years of generosity. In 2009, the first ever GTMD raised $14.5 million. In 2016, GTMD broke $20 million for the first time. In 2020, donors gave more than $35.6 million through GTMD and the special COVID GiveAtHome campaign.

Since Give to the Max started, the amount donated each year has doubled, and the number of nonprofits and schools receiving donations nearly has, too!

Your Generosity Story
For 15 years, donors like you have powered Give to the Max Day. After GTMD22, we asked you to share your stories of generosity. Here’s what you said.

Infographic of "Your Generosity Story" with statistics, like 66% of donors also volunteer, 42% of donors received support from an organization, 37% make monthly gifts, and more!

No matter where you live and no matter where you give, one thing is clear: generosity is alive and well in Minnesota! Your gift, when combined with tens of thousands of donors like you, raised $34 million for 6,439 organizations across every Minnesota county during GTMD22. To those organizations, your support means more than you know.

What's next?

Together with the generosity of donors like you, and nonprofits and schools across Minnesota, we'll celebrate the 15th anniversary of Give to the Max Day this year on November 16! We're still enjoying summer in Minnesota, but here are three things you can do today to prepare for Give to the Max, and show a little support for your favorite causes even now!

Image of three ways to continue your generosity this year! First, save Nov. 16 for GTMD. Second, donate again to a cause you haven't supported recently. Third, start a monthly gift to organizations you care about.


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