Raise Minnesota's next generation of givers

Graphic with headshot of Jenna Ray and text "Raise Minnesota's next generation of givers."

Dear friends and neighbors, 

As a mother to one, godmother to two, and Auntie to many, I sometimes worry about the future: where will it lead, what will it bring, how can I make it brighter for these young ones today? In those moments, I have a choice to make: I can sit in fear, or I can act in hope. I choose hope, unwaveringly. Will you join me in choosing hope this Give to the Max Day?

The act of raising children is very much like that of giving: both help us put our values into action. Both are driven by care for others. And both bring us closer to the future we imagine. We can build that future one gift at a time—and with our young ones—when we celebrate Give to the Max.

A number of us on the GiveMN team are parents and loving grown ups to the next generation of givers. And we all have our ways of sharing Minnesota’s giving holiday with our “GiveMiNis” (Our colleague and resident cool mom Steph has 5 great tips to get kids excited about giving and reinforcing generosity and empathy.)

For me, I think of my son, Max. In my heart, Give to the Max will always be for him, because every dollar raised is a vote of confidence in the future he’ll inherit. Every donation made makes the world a better place for him to live in today. What an incredible gift we’re giving his generation when we choose generosity.

Growing up, many of us learned the phrase “Sharing is caring.” A simple concept: give what you can to show that you care. It’s a lesson we know now just as strongly as we did then. When and where we’re able, choose good. Do good. Give what you can, because you believe it’s the right thing to do.

This Give to the Max, I invite you and your young ones to join us in showing your care through generosity. When you do, you put hope into action—now and for the next generation. 

P.S. Practice generosity with Minnesota’s youngest donors: help your young ones find a cause together or share a Giving Card with them today.

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