Community Conversation: An Interview with Carrie Bush of UMFO
At the end of December, GiveMN's coaching team celebrated the end of Campaign Institute 2024, our annual no-cost RaiseMN coaching cohort, which builds the fundraising capacity and confidence of small-budgeted non-profit organizations across Minnesota. During the graduation ceremony, we heard amazing feedback and stories from twenty-five wonderful Campaign Institute participants. The energy and impact of Campaign Institute are too inspiring to keep to ourselves, so I reached out to a couple of Campaign Instituters to ask them to share about their time in the program and any fundraising lessons they learned.
This month, I spoke with Carrie Bush, the Program and Development Director for the Upper Midwest Film Office (UMFO), who is working to build a thriving, inclusive film industry in Northern Minnesota. Carrie was drawn to Campaign Institute because her organization wanted more tools and knowledge to develop a sustainable and strategic fundraising path forward. I so enjoyed learning about UMFO’s experience in Campaign Institute and Carrie’s words of encouragement to anyone looking to join Campaign Institute in the future, and I hope you do too!
GiveMN: As a small organization, what are some of the challenges you face when it comes to fundraising? What are some joys?
Carrie Bush: [We have experienced challenges in] having the time to research grants or other fundraising opportunities and in helping people understand who we are and what we do. When it comes to fundraising success, we have experienced a lot of learning and growing by being a part of the Campaign Institute, finding “new” monies in 2024, and having a successful Give to the Max Campaign!
GM: What is your favorite memory of Campaign Institute and/or a favorite piece of information you learned?
CB: The Art of the Ask was such an important lesson and skill base for us to learn. When we put together the worksheet to create the ask, everything fell into place. We loved meeting with [our coach] Cat every time. She brought such knowledge and wonderful insight to our sessions.
GM: How has being a part of Campaign Institute impacted your fundraising confidence or knowledge?
CB: Participating in the Campaign Institute has equipped us with the essential tools to craft a compelling ask, significantly boosting our confidence in seeking support from individuals (which is new) as well as corporations and foundations. And, Cat’s coaching helped us to take the first steps toward engaging the board in our fundraising efforts.
GM: What would you say to someone who is interested in but nervous about joining Campaign Institute?
CB: Go for it! The insights and skills you gain from being part of the Campaign Institute can transform your organization’s fundraising strategy for the long term. It’s absolutely worth the time and effort you invest!
GM: What are your hopes and dreams for the future of fundraising and fundraising education, if any?
CB: I hope UMFO can continue to grow the diversity of our fundraising partners (individuals, corporations, foundations, government agencies etc.) so that we may be able to continue to grow as an organization and do the important work we are doing.
GM: Is there anything I didn’t ask you that you would like to share?
CB: We just really appreciate the opportunity to be a part of this cohort and to learn and be in the community with the great team at the Campaign Institute. So valuable.
Thank you, Carrie, for being so generous with your time and sharing your experience in Campaign Institute with us! Find out more about UMFO here.
You can read last month’s Q&A with the executive director of Koochiching County Food Access here. And, if getting to know more about the Campaign Institute cohort piqued your interest, keep an eye out for the 2025 cohort applications, which open March 12, 2025!